My convictions. Sed cursus ante dapibus diam. Sed nisi nulla.
In 2015, a group of college students began printing t-shirts in their garage, and over the next few months The Shirt Company of America was born. With a vision of becoming the nation’s premiere source for screen printing, embroidery, and promotional products, the founders worked day and night to perfect their processes and grow their young business. Their commitment to quality products at an affordable price quickly differentiated The Shirt Company from their competition. The founding group spent day and night printing shirts, perfecting their processes, and doing whatever it took to ensure each and every order exceeded expectations. As customers spread the word and orders piled in, the group outgrew their small garage and needed to move into a larger space.
In the summer of 2018, the growing group of 10 employees moved into a larger
facility with the addition of a dedicated graphic design team, a new embroidery
department, and automated screen printing machines. With revamped production
methods, and new team members with decades of experience, The Shirt Company was
poised to become a force in the industry nationwide. From small organizations to global
brands, customers from across the country put their full trust in the team, whether it was
for an order for 10 shirts or 10,000. Over the next two years, the team grew to over 30
employees and was producing in excess of 30,000 shirts per week, specializing in
helping companies promote themselves with branded merchandise that stands out.
In 2020, after having to purchase multiple outdoor storage units to hold
merchandise that couldn’t fit in the building, it was time to expand again. Early that year,
the team moved into a state of the art 7,500 square foot factory, completely renovated
and optimized for their production needs. The team of over 40 people now had 4
automatic screen printing machines, 13 heads of embroidery, and dedicated
departments for artwork, pre-production, and post-production. This improvement
allowed growth like never before. At the time of this writing, The Shirt Company
produces over 100,000 shirts, hats, and accessories per week (and growing), while still
committing to the same standard of excellence on which the company was founded.